There is an old saying that goes like this-
Fool me once shame on you,
Fool me twice shame on me!
It appears that I am the fool for getting succored into a stupid television show like "The Bachelor" once again. Thanks ABC for returning that wasted time back over to me. To think I felt sorry for this guy... his family kept saying that they didn't want him hurt again maybe there are reasons. Never the less I will never watch this ridiculous premise of a show again not even if it is "The Most Dramatic Season Ever!"
I think that it is time to get away from all of this reality crap! The weather has turned cold again here and the promise of Spring is a little ways away again, time to find a good book and curl up on the couch with the TV off and some classical music in the background.
Seriously, I feel the same way! But of course I will be watching tonight to see the 2nd part of the after the rose show. Why do I waste my time....they suck you in!
I agree!
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