Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Favorite place and favorite person!

One of my favorite things to do is right now is to spend time with Kerry on the North Shore of Oahu'. We have been able to see some pretty big waves during this winter season. He would rather be in the water but on some of these occasions the warnings have been pretty strong to stay out because of rip tides. I just love to walk along the beach holding his hand and just be with him.

The waves have really been impressive and I wasn't even there for the sixty foot ones.

I am trying to be really artistic and get the waves through the rocks. I still have a lot to learn about photography!

Just a little better view.

I love to be with this guy as much as I can. I certainly learned to appreciate what time I do have with him!

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

It's definitely not fun having your husband gone, but it's neat that you get to go visit him so often. If my husband were in Hawaii I think I'd go visit him every chance I got too! What a beautiful place!

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