Saturday, May 19, 2012

Grandma Moments

Last night I went to see Caleb's second grade program, it was very cute.  I love little kids singing, I just wish I didnt' cry so easily!!!  The songs they sang were all from my childhood or teenage years kind of interesting.
I arrived just before the concert started and was delighted as I walked across the back of the room when I saw that Spencer and Emma had big smiles on their faces as I got closer to them. I went up to take a picture of Caleb sitting with his classmates and as he saw me I experienced a similar smile. We went to get snow cones afterward and playing with the kids on the grass while waiting was delightful.

After the concert I stopped by to see Tanner and Olivia and they didn't know I was coming.  I pulled up in the road behind the house where they were outside playing with mommy and neighbors.  When Tanner saw me pull up he had a huge smile on his face and came running to me saying, "Grandma, grandma, grandma..." I got out of the car and was greeted by a huge hug.  I looked up to see Livy running towards me giggling. 

Saying that these little kids made my day is an understatement but these kids made my day.  I would have stopped to see Jack but it was too late.  Maybe today I just can't get enough of my Grand kids, but wish they were all closer.

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