Monday, May 17, 2010

Findin' the Pearl

Step lively lads! We be about ta turn the tables on Admiral Norrington, we do!

But Cap'n! Me feet be killin' me. Tha' curs'd Admiral is gonna pay fer drivin' our ship aground clear round 't other side o' the island! Mark my word - I be gonna make 'im pay, I is.

Cap'n!! Look! It be the Pearl way over yonder, shore's I be a pirate!

Good job lads!

Here, step aside so's I can put me glass on her! That be her alright! We gotta pick 'em up and put 'em down now lads, if we be there 'fore night.

Blimey! Thar's landlubbers everywhere. Th' whole town be turned out ta see the Pearl today!

Quick mates! Th' sentry be gone from 'is post! Le's see if we kin git 'round t' other side 'n really git a look at 'er!

Aye! She be a purty sight now mates! She aint looked near this good fer years.

Cap'n! Look at th' bridge. She's gonna be a looker she is.

Aye mates! Thar's th' wheel whar I be steerin' the ship from. She be a sweet ship fer shore!

Arrgh!! The sentry's be a comin'! Gather 'round lads this be it!

Beam us up Scotty! Oops! Wrong movie!


Natalie said...

Dad, you are hilarious!

Lauri said...


Rebecca said...

who says it is dad? haha. but... what the star trek?

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