Thursday, June 10, 2010

Farewell Mates!

There she be mates! Me thought fer a moment the scurvy rogues 'ad sailed her away.

She be all fitted out and ready fer the masts ta be set, she is.

She be mighty fine quarters fer this Cap'n. Come first light in the marnin' I be a takin' her. If'n you don' see me within a two days, then this be Farewell fer I be in Davy Jone's Locker!


Lauri said...

Wow, it looks so much smaller. What would it be like with the sails and masts?

Lauri said...

I will miss going to spy on her next time I go over with you.

Rebecca said...

wow!! but i have a problem with it. IT ISN'T BLACK!!!!!

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