Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ugly Face Contest

A few years ago our neighbor and good friend Jack Christianson taught some of our girls a game he liked to play called the "Ugly Face Contest." It even took place at girls camp. As adults some of my girls continue to play this game. When Tanner was blessed our family stayed around Dave and Natalie's house to be together, before long I noticed that Cydney and Rebecca had my camera playing with it and laughing hysterically. It didn't take very long for me to realize what they were doing and about 50 pictures later some of the evidence was found. These are the times that I absolutely love because they create such fun memories. We were all laughing pretty hard and wishing that others had stuck around to join in the fun.
And so it begins.
It didn't take very long for Caleb to catch on to the game and he laughed as hard as the rest of us.
Who's behind the camera, I don't think it was me.
He liked this game a lot...
What have we created?
I can't believe they even got me involved!
Self portraits?!!!!!!

Okay so I guess that you had to be there to fully appreciate it but it was really fun to watch and a great memory of time together.
Love the normal smiley faces as well!
Ok love the silly ones too!


Cydney Jensen said...

See and this is why we call it the ugly face game...because I definitely look ugly. So much fun though!

Rebecca said...

oh dear heavens. i will never be in another picture. as long as i live.

Our Family