Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sunday with Kerry

On our trip to the North Shore with the kids we saw some of the prettiest Shower Trees I have ever seen. So since we still had a car we decided to drive back over on Sunday afternoon.

Kerry loves the yellow ones and this one was really beautiful.
My favorite are the pink ones, and they are especially pretty this year.

As we drove past this one yesterday Rachel said she thought it was the most beautiful tree she had ever seen. I think I agree even though we discovered it was two trees intertwined when we stopped to take pictures.

We then headed back to Laniakea Beach. We don't normally go into the water on Sunday but this time we just went into the surf and talked and watched for turtles. It was close to dusk so we decided to stay and watch and talk.

I had an epiphany while we were there alone talking. I have come to love Hawaii so much because of moments just like this, the very quiet private times away from the world. We both had so much on our mind with his company pulling the stunt they have over the last month. We talked in detail about our options over the next phase of our lives. I asked him when he thought the new contract would come and what he thought it might be. He talked about options to follow and just going 50% on this project while trying to get involved on another. I was hopeful as we talked, still angry at the company, and scared about the future, all rolled up into one. Never the less I knew that these moments were about to end one way or another. Watching the sunset was simply different this time.

I noticed Old Glory up in the tree as we were getting ready to leave, a little tattered but it was neat to see it there.
Just a little melancholy as the day slipped away.

I love the time Kerry and I have at home and the prospects of him being home more makes me ecstatic but what I realized is that when he is home we are so busy getting things done and running that we don't talk like we do in Hawaii and that is cherished time for me.

Just before we left the water I watched to see if I could see a turtle surface one more time and one came swimming right up close to me as if it was reading my thoughts!

After our long talk and trying to make decisions we got back to the hotel and got cleaned up and ate dinner. As we were getting ready to go to bed Kerry checked his blackberry and there it was a copy of the contract they are offering with an ecpectation of a quick answer.........AAAAAAAHHHHHH.. Now the real stress begins!


Kerry said...

That is why I like having you here with me. We do talk more. It is easier to spend time doing what we want rather than being caught up in all the mundane things like house and yard. Unfortunately, the decisions is not any easier, nor is it any closer to being made.

Kerry said...

According to John's brother Owen, the colored text is really hard to read with your new background!

Lauri said...


Our Family