So after reading the series (I am on book four currently) out of curiosity I decided to go see the movie. Rebecca and her friends went and got in line at about 8:00 in the evening and Kerry and I joined them just before 10:00 and were allowed into the theatre at about 10:40. After getting warmed up and almost going to sleep while waiting the movie finally started. First of all I don't like Edward and I realize for many He is the perfect man but I think he over played the part and it was too humorous to watch him for me. Too much of the story never played out and I just really didn't feel the relationships ever developed. It was fun to see pictures of the Northwest and it was ok but I certainly didn't enjoy it as much as the young women in the audience. The best part of the movie was listening to the adoring young girls especially the 23-25 year old woman next to me who was with a date and I thought she was going to pass out in the first 5 minutes of the movie, so funny!!! Her date laughed at her as much as I did, poor guy. A lot of hype about a medicore movie and series of books.
this is so upseting. im in love with the movie. obviously.. i have seen it 3 times. i was somewhat disappointed the first time, but i LOVE it now. i LOVE love love love loooooove edward. i think rob pattinson does great. i think bella blinks like 10,000 times more than any normal person with the exception of my uh.. boss. i love them, they are so unbelievebly and perfectly awkward. i will however agree that they don't develop things well. i would have been dang confused if i hadn't read the book. they needed to make it a little longer and really develope things. they put things in different orders (even to the extent of gym class before biology!?!? what the!) and they leave out some awesome scenes.. some of my favorites in the book. but overall i absolutely love it!and uh.. edward is attractive. ok. the end.
oh.. and one more thing. i strongly disagree with your last comment mother. it is an AMAZING series. i love it. ok really the end.
I was entertained by the movie. It was fun to see how they followed the book. It did leave out a lot of the relationship details with the siblings and Jacob. It was already two hours though so overall I thought they followed the book really well. I lost interest in the series halfway through the 3rd book. I need to finish them all though because I am sure I will see them all. Kiley absolutely loved it as expected!
What the...Great series! Love it! I did have to say I was a little disappointed in the movie as well. I wish there was more detail and some of the special effects were...hmmm! Edward was not my favorite at first because he was not my Edward, but he grew on me. I do want to see it again to see if it is better the second time like everyone keeps saying.
i love twilight. i love edward.
I finally finished the books!! I love them.
I admit, I got REALLY annoyed with the story in several places along the way, but overall it was good. I will definitely read it again. Later, when I can give up a 4-5 day time period to devote to it.
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